Monash Veterinary Clinic

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Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 7pm

Saturday: 8.30am - 1pm

Sunday: Closed

Please note, we are closed Friday 26th January for Australia Day, we will reopen on Saturday 28th January at 8:30am.

Health Care for your Kitten and Cat


Vaccinations are necessary to protect your cat against major feline diseases, some of which can be fatal. The main diseases we vaccinate against at Monash Veterinary clinic are:

1. Feline Herpes Virus

2. Feline Calicivirus

3. Feline Panleukopenia

Feline Herpes virus and feline calicivirus make up the components which cause Feline Flu. Once infected, cats are highly contagious and will become extremely sick and may even die. Feline panleukopenia causes an enteritis (gastro) type disease in cats. It is necessary to vaccinate all cats against these diseases.

4. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)*

FIV vaccination is a relatively new vaccination available for cats. It is strongly recommended in all cats, but especially for those which have outside access where they may come in contact with other cats. For more information on FIV and vaccinating against it please visit the FIV section of our website.


6-8 weeks: Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Calicivirus and Feline Panleukopenia vaccination (F3) and Feline immunodeficiency virus vaccination (FIV)

12-14 weeks: Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Calicivirus and Feline Panleukopenia vaccination (F3) and Feline immunodeficiency virus vaccination (FIV)

16-18 weeks: Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Calicivirus and Feline Panleukopenia vaccination (F3) and Feline immunodeficiency virus vaccination (FIV)


All adult cats require an annual health check where the veterinarian will give your animal a full physical examination and discuss any issues you may have had with your pet in the last year. As part of this check an F3 and FIV booster vaccination is given.

Additional vaccines are also available to protect against Feline Leukaemia and Chlamydia diseases.


Pet Insurance

At Monash Veterinary Clinic, we know how much you care about your pets and like you, we want to ensure they are always in the best of health. As such, we strongly encourage all pet owners to consider Pet Insurance. Investing in pet insurance for your furry child, ensures no compromising on treatment when your animal requires medical attention, be it for an ongoing illness or a sudden accident, and gives you peace of mind that you can give your animal the best possible care that it deserves. Like human health insurance, there are many pet insurance policies available. It is best that you research a few before selecting a policy, to ensure you get the best value for your cat. All of our veterinarians will then help you with any forms or formalities you require when processing a claim.


Kittens should be dewormed for roundworm and hookworm every 2 weeks from 4 weeks of age until they are 12 weeks old. We recommend Drontal tablets, Milbemax tablets, Felex paste or Profender spot-on. Deworm all adult cats every 3 months against round, hook and tapeworm. The flea spot on "Revolution" kills all worms (except tapeworm) as well as killing fleas and ear mites. Profender is another type of cat all wormer that comes as a topical spot on – very handy for kitty cats that are difficult to give tablets to.


Kittens should receive 3-4 meals daily or have food constantly available. Always ensure adequate drinking water is readily available. Milk can be fed but may cause diarrhoea. Adults should receive 1-2 meals daily. Variety is important in the diet of cats to prevent them becoming addicted to a particular food. A mixture of canned food, fresh meat or fish (preferably raw) and dry food is recommended. Cats love to snack during the day however be weary if your cat starts to gain weight. Obesity can cause serious health problems in animals. Always discuss this with your veterinarian if you concerns your animal may be gaining too much weight. Dry food may be provided as a snack or as a full meal. Hills Science diet is recommended as a dry food. Avoid liver as it can cause vitamin A imbalances and arthritis in old age. Raw bones are very important for healthy teeth and gums. Chicken wings, chicken necks, lamb shanks or chops are adequate.

Flea Control 

Advantage, Frontline or Revolution drops applied to the back of the neck are the most effective and safe means of flea control. They kill adult fleas and stop the fleas breeding. Advantage, Frontline or Revolution can be applied at a very young age but should be checked if you are not sure.


Microchipping is an important practice to help identify animals and help to reunite them with their owners if they ever go missing. The microchip is the size of a grain of rice and is injected under the skin of your pet over the shoulder blades. A microchip contains a unique identification number which is permanently implanted in your pet. The unique number is linked to your details on a national registry.

Microchips need to be implanted by a registered implanter such as a veterinarian. All of the vets at Monash Vet Clinic are qualified to implant a microchip in your animal. Microchips are a fast and simple injection which can be done whilst your pet is awake. Please contact us at the clinic if you wish to make an appointment to have your pet microchipped

From the 1st of May 2007, microchipping was made compulsory in Victoria. Local councils and municipalities will not allow pet registration unless your animal has been microchipped.


Healthy adult cats keep themselves well groomed. Long haired cats develop knots in their coat unless they are regularly brushed. Begin to groom cats when they are young so that they become accustomed to being brushed.


Long haired cats may develop hair balls in their stomachs. This will cause them to feel ill and vomit. Regular grooming to remove excess hair helps. Hair balls can be controlled by feeding Hills Science Diet Hair Ball Control Formula or administering Cat-lax paste.



Female cats should be desexed at 5-6 months of age.

This involves a general anaesthetic and surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. There is no benefit in allowing a cat to have a litter of kittens.


  • Prevents unwanted kittens.
  • Helps stop cat fights.

Male Cats should be desexed at 5- 6 months of age.This involves a general anaesthetic and surgical removal of both testes.


  • Stops the cat's urine odour and helps stop urine spraying.
  • Desexed males are more affectionate.
  • Desexed males fight less and wander less.

Toilet Behaviour 

Cats are very clean animals and will use a litter tray where provided. Change the litter regularly using rubber gloves and dispose of the litter hygienically. In multi-cat households, multiple litter trays should be made available as cats will often refuse to toilet in a tray that has already been used by another cat. Cats' faeces may transmit both worms and Toxoplasmosis to humans. Toxoplasmosis can cause abortions in pregnant women. Once a cat has learnt to use a litter tray it is abnormal for a cat to urinate or defecate inside the house. If this occurs there is usually a health problem.

Feline Aids (FIV)

Feline Aids is a common problem caused by a virus. It is spread through bite wounds during fights. Feline Aids initially causes a fever and lethargy for a short period. Then as the cat's immune system weakens other symptoms such as weight loss, diarrhoea, infected teeth and gums, bladder and lung infections appear. Feline Aids can be diagnosed using a simple blood test and can be prevented through the use of a vaccination. Feline Aids is not transferable to humans. See the section on FIV for more information regarding this disease.

Feline Leukaemia (FeLV)

Feline leukaemia is not common in Australia. It is caused by a virus which is spread during licking and grooming. Feline Leukaemia causes either leukaemia, the formation of tumour masses, anaemia or a reduced immune response which leads to secondary infections of the lungs, intestines, mouth and urinary tract. Symptoms are similar to FIV. Feline Leukaemia can be diagnosed by a simple blood test.

Fighting Behaviour 

Cats fight during periods of sexual activity and to defend their "territory". Feline Aids is spread during fights. Fight wounds often form abscesses and the cats can become very sick requiring veterinary assistance. It is best to desex your cat as soon as possible and to ensure they are locked up at night. Wandering stray cats need to be caught and removed.

Kitten health plan PDF
  • Annual health checks are performed every following year. This will include an assessment of vaccination requirements.
  • Intestinal worming should continue every 3 months for your kitten’s life.
  • Flea prevention should be used every month.